ICWA Info is designed to provide the public with information and timely updates about all things related to Indian child welfare and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). This would include, but is not limited to:
• news about lawsuits related to ICWA in tribal, state, and federal courts,
• related training and conferences,
• legal developments, analysis, and research resources,
• information about relevant groups and agencies,
• and job postings.
While it is a news blog, covering current events, ICWA Info also serves as a growing collection of information for those who want to know more about Indian child welfare issues. It is a resource that will be useful to tribal leaders, attorneys and judges, social workers, and families—anyone affected by Indian child welfare issues.
Please visit the site and sign up for updates via email or RSS. Also, if you have ICWA-related information or websites that you think we should include, please use the contact form to let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.
David Selden
National Indian Law Library/NARF