November 7, 2014

NILL added new content to 5 Indian Law Bulletins on 11/07

drawing of gavel
* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Maniilaq Association v. Burwell (self-determination contract, lease)
In re McDonald (bankruptcy, chapter 13, per capita payments)

* State Courts Bulletin
Dinwiddie Dep't of Social Services v. Nunnally (transfer to tribal court, Indian Child Welfare Act)

* News Bulletin
In the Economic Development section, we feature an article about Native Americans being plagued by high-interest loans.

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin feature an article discussing the impact of congressional exemptions relating to the crisis of sexual assault and domestic violence in rural Alaska Native communities.

* Regulatory Bulletin feature a proposed rule of the Environment Protection Agency on carbon pollution emission guidelines for existing stationary sources in Indian Country.