September 12, 2018

NILL added new content to the Indian Law Bulletins on 9/12

Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)
  • I see you- A story from the Haudenosaunee.
  • Indian Child Welfare Act annual case law update and commentary.
  • August 2016-August 2017 case law on American Indians.
  • CDIB: The role of the certificate of the degree of Indian blood in defining Native American legal identity.
  • Tribal Exclusion Authority: Its sovereign bases with recommendations for federal support.
  • Native American rights and adoption by non-Indian families: The manipulation and distortion of public opinion to overthrow ICWA.
  • Racial anxieties in adoption: Reflections on adoptive couple, white parenthood, and constitutional challenges to the ICWA.
Federal Courts Bulletin
Forest County Potawatomi Community v. United States (Gaming Compact - Approval)
Kialegee Tribal Town v. Zinke (Jurisdiction; Indian Gaming Regulatory Act)
United States of America v. Uintah Valley Shoshone Tribe (Hunting and Fishing Rights)
Comanche Nation of Oklahoma v. Zinke (Lands; Gaming)

Tribal Courts Bulletin
Moon v. Hoopa Valley Tribe (Employment - Wrongful Termination)

State Courts Bulletin
In re E.H. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Notice)

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News Bulletin
In the Environment and Energy section, we feature an article a law suit filed by tribes against the Keystone XL pipeline permit.

U.S. Legislation Bulletin
The following bills were added:
S.717: POWER Act. (See Sec.2 [B])
H.R.6728: To protect Native children and promote public safety in Indian country.